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Understand your child’s Motor Skills Development

Paying attention to kid's growth and development is utmost important. Especially in the recent times, doctors advise to pay an immense attention to child’s motor skills at the growing age. Fine motor skills is defined as the child’s minor muscle movements that plays a major role in the child’s overall growth and development. In particular, gross motor development refers to the physical movements of the body.

Stages of Gross motor Skill development among kids 2-7 year

A child exhibits a set of varied movements throughout the growth stage. A baby’s general way of motion is to initially toddle it’s way around. The muscles wouldn’t have completely developed to support other ways of movement.

Walk at age 2 or 3…

Starting from the age of 2 or 3, the child comes out of the toddling stage and gives a try at walking. Even though not thoroughly, they tend to struggle their way to perfection. They also slowly learn to adopt other sorts of movements like jumping, running, hopping, etc. They enjoy throwing and catching of balls as well. This also suggests their development of reflex muscles. The main achievement at that stage is they learn to carry their body along while riding a toy cycle.

Jumps at age 3 and 4…

As they reach the ages of 3 and 4, they have completely conquered the art of walking. The next milestone is the phase of climbing stairs. This phase is also dealt with in stages. At first, they climb in a jumping motion using both their legs at the same time. This is the stage to watch out for. The jumping movement over the stairs creates a break of balance. Parents should accompany them at all times to avoid any fall. The best way a child learns is by it’s nature of copying things. They observe their surrounding very precisely and copy what the adults at home are doing. The same applies to climbing stairs. They observe how adults use alternative legs and try to implement the same. At this stage, they are also able to stand and hop on one feet.

Climb stairs at 4 and 5…

As they reach the ages of 4 and 5 they can manage to move up and down the stairs without any adult supervision. If you notice, you can also find their movements much smoother and faster at this age. This is also their age where they learn to ride their first bike.

Play Sports at age of 5 ,6 and 7…

The development process continues and by the time they reach the ages of 5 and 6, try are totally independent in motion. They enjoy playing physical games in the children’s park, light swimming, a little jungle gym, etc. They also enjoy playing with other kids and tend to indulge in sports activities like soccer ball, basket ball, etc. They also enjoy high energy physical activities like karate, gymnastics and dance. Through such various activities, they gradually improve and expand their motor skills. By the age of 7, they are totally well versed in their gross motor skills.

Stages of Fine Motor Development!!

Coming to the child’s fine motor skills, it is equally important in determining the child’s fine motor skills. They explore and learn the usage of their hands and fingers in performing various activities.

Paint at Age of 2 year ..

By the young age of 2 itself, they can paint and indulge in simple craft projects. Fine motor skills is the major element in determining if the child is right-handed or left-handed. It is advised that parents are to encourage their natural free flow. They are not to force their motives which doesn’t come naturally to the child.

Eat independently at age of 3 and 4

By the time they reach the ages of 3 and 4 they can manage to eat independently and learn to deal with the usage of spoons and also some not very sharp forks. They are also much more precise in details while undergoing their craft projects. The development of twisting motion of their hands help them open lids, door knobs etc. This calls for more detailed supervision to prevent any mis-happenings.

Be creative at age of 5 , 6 & 7

At the age of 5 and 6 they acquire the creative sides of fine motor skills. Their fine artistic skills are reflected in their school projects. This is the age where they start to develop their true sense of personality. They still copy major things but it is also combined with individuality. As they reach the age of 7, they have reached a major milestone where they can independently carry out their work with minimum supervision.

Benefits of Motor Skills other than Fine & Gross Motor skill

Motor skills not only corresponds to the hand and the leg movements but also includes minute details like eye movements, expressions, etc. This further exhibits their brain development. It is not only a child’s physical growth that counts, but also his intellectual growth. They memorize alphabets and numbers, and learn and implement new things at school everyday. There is also a clear cut coordination seen between their physical and intellectual development. The activities that can encourage child’s motor skills could be pasting on paper, hand-clapping, touching fingers, buttoning and unbuttoning, working a zipper, playing building blocks, using pencils and crayons to create art, copying shapes on paper, using scissors to cut the shapes. At these activities, the child also combines his intelligence and creativity along with physical movements.

As parents, you to provide the utmost support and encouragement at the crucial stage of child’s growth and development. You are to be patient with them as they learn slowly and not force things on them. You are to encourage the movements of both hands equally before determining if the child is right-handed or left-handed. You are to embrace all your child’s portrayed qualities and not be critical of any of them. You are to give them small home projects to boost their creativity. Most importantly, you are to remember that parents play a very important role in child’s growth and development of motor skills and a basic overall personality.

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